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Lemon Balm (FRESH Organic plant) tincture, Melissa officinalis .Calming and relaxing formula.

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About this item

Lemon Balm
Melissa officinalis
Tincture 30ml, 50ml,100ml.
We offer tincture that we made from fresh dry Lemon Balm that was picked and dried in August 2020 with our partners in Israel.

Part used: leaves and stem.

Ratio plant to menstruum: 1:2, 20% alcohol.

Dosage: 30-60 drops in warm water up to 4x daily

The main benefit of Lemon Balm are it is calming and relaxing effect.

Please note; all our products are stored in amber glass only; should you wish to have one of our tinctures herbal concentrates or glycerites in 500ml or 1000ml, please contact us to discuss this;

Conversion ml to fl oz (US) according to

25 ml = 0.84 fl oz
50 ml = 1.69 fl oz
100ml = 3.38 fl oz
200 ml = 6.76 fl oz
500 ml = 16.91 fl oz
1000 ml = 33.81 fl oz