Dried Amur Velvet, 1000gr.(35.27oz)
About this item
- Phytotherapy eliminates the root cause of the disease
- No side effects
- In addition to treating the disease, there is the recovery of the body as a whole
- Affordability
- Improvement of appearance and health
Application of dried berries of Amur velvet for type 2 diabetes and hypertension
Amur velvet or cork tree is very beautiful, the height of the crown can reach 25-28 meters, the bark of the tree is velvety to the touch from what the tree got its name, the fruit is round and has a black color, the Chinese call the fruit of Amur velvet "black pearl" and has long been widely used in Chinese medicine. The main area of distribution is the Far East and the Amur Region.
The traditional mistake of many people who use Amur velvet for treatment is that when they first take the berries, they expect to see results immediately (lowering of sugar or normalization of blood pressure). And when they do not observe these results, they are disappointed and stop taking the course further. It should be understood that phytotherapy is not a pill that immediately relieves symptoms, the effect is cumulative and the first results can be observed in a period of three weeks to two months after the start of treatment. Why is there such a time gap? We all have different bodies and stages of disease and therefore some people get their first results earlier and some get them later.
Phytotherapy is especially effective for prevention and at early stages of the disease, i.e. we bring the body in order without using chemicals, which in many cases have undesirable side effects on the body. And in moderate and severe cases of the disease phytotherapy is used as an aid, reducing the use of chemicals. It is possible to normalize blood sugar levels and blood pressure even in moderate and severe cases of the disease with prolonged, regular use of Amur velvet berries.
Indications for use:
1)type 2 diabetes
3)lung diseases
4)colds, flu
Dosage and administration
The standard scheme of Amur velvet berries: berries are taken three times a day for 30 minutes before a meal, carefully chewed, preferably without drinking. The morning 2-3 berries, 1 berry during the day, 1 berry in the evening. You can for convenience to make a two-time reception in the morning 2-3 berries, 2 berries in the evening.
Note that you can take no more than 5 berries a day. A larger amount may adversely affect the condition of your body.
For the prevention and initial stage of the disease is enough 1-3 berries a day.
Typically, the course of treatment is 6 months, which is 200-250 grams of dried berries.
The taste of the berries is quite peculiar and bitter, but gradually you will get used to the taste and adapt. It is desirable to take the berries regularly, without long pauses. Contraindications .
Despite the large number of positive properties of the fruit of the velvet tree, they also have contraindications:
berries contain such substances, the use of which in large quantities is harmful to the human body, so you can not take them at one time more than 5 pieces;
young children these fruits are strictly forbidden;
berries can cause allergies